Date Palm or scientifically known Phoenix Dactylifera, is a fruit tree for the Arecaceae palm family. Date tree is grown in many parts of the world for it sweet edible fruits called Dates. It originated in what is now Iraq from the earliest times. This palm tree has been a primary source of food supply as well as economic wealth in the some arable desert regions of North Africa and the Middle East. The Spanish missionaries later in late 18th and early 19th centuries, introduced the Date Palm to the America. Pakistan, India, Mexico, California, the Canary Islands and northern Africa are some other prominent regions where date palm is cultivated in good quantity.
Date fruit retains its moisture content even after harvesting, different from other dry fruits, thus dates can be stored for long periods of time without using any additives or preservatives. Due to the nature of the dried fruits, over 50 weight percent of the fruits is sugar, with around two percent for each of the other contents of protein, fats, and minerals. Although some types of dates, like Medjool, have a fresh aspect and lose moisture, wrinkling with age.
Physical Description
The max height of a date palm is around 23 meters (75 feet) tall. The trunk which is distinctly ridged by the cut surfaces of the old leaf bases, has on top been decorated with a crown of beautiful and shiny webbed leaves measuring about 5 meters (16 feet) long. In a year, leafy floral shoots sprout from the sides of shoots formed the previous year. Male flowers develop on one tree while females on another. When grown on farms, the tree’s female flowers are pollinated artificially. The fruit of the date palm is usually elongated and is a drupe with a single seed per fruit. However, its shape, size, color, quality of flesh, and thickness are very different based on the geographical location and the type of palm. More than 1000 individual dates usually occur in a larger cluster that can weigh 8 kg (18 pounds) or even more.
Date trees can be grown from either seeds or suckers which are usually Offshoots that develop especially in the lower parts of the trunk in the early years of the life of the young palm. Such Offshoots are however taken up for commercial propagation. When offshoots go to three or six years old with their roots developed, they are cut off and returned to the soil. Palm trees start producing fruits after four to five years and the maximum bearing age is between ten to fifteen years producing fruiting of 40 to 80 kilograms (90 to 180 pounds) each or beyond. Some palm species are known to live for about 150 years but the production of the fruit declines and therefore in commercial cultivation, they are renewed at a younger age.
Economic products can be obtained from all parts of the date palm. The stem serves as a source of wood, while the petioles provide raw materials for boxes and furniture, and the petiolar leaf sheathes provide material for cooking fuel. The ultimate leaflets are used to make baskets, while the stump-like bases of the leaves are used for burning. In addition, the panicles that hold fruit are made into ropes as well as for burning. The thread or veil-like structure is used for manufacturing ropes as well as packing materials, while the date seeds are crushed and given to livestock as feed occasionally. Other products made from date fruits include sugar, ethyl alcohol, and acetic acid, as well as spirits. Also, the sap is consumed directly or used to prepare an alcoholic beverage with the possibility of fermentation but due to excessive damage inflicted on the tree in the process of sap collection, only a small volume of alcoholic beverage manufacturing flush-cutting varieties of palm trees which are not very fruit-bearing is employed. When a trunk is felled, the inner core of the uppermost bud is consumed raw in salads.
The most significant countries producing and exporting dates are Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, although Algeria and Tunisia’s fruits are popular in Europe as well. California is the main producer in America. The date palm is planted as an ornamental tree along the coastal borders of Europe bordering the Mediterranean Sea and the leaves are used by Christians to celebrate Palm Sunday and are also celebrated by Jews during Sukkoth (Feast of Tabernacles).
Buy Date Palm in Delhi
Saharanpur Nursery is a wholesale supplier of Date palms in Delhi, we produce high-quality healthy date palms at our nursery. If you are looking for a reliable palm supplier in Delhi for your project contact Saharanpur Nursery and get the superior quality Date Palms at wholesale price in Delhi.
Benefits of Date Palm in Delhi
Here are 8 benefits of buying date palms from Saharanpur Nursery
1. Superior Quality Plants: Deal with Saharanpur Nursery and rest assured to obtain the best quality date palms in Delhi that are tendered with utmost care for healthy growth and endurance.
2. Consultative Support: Get expert instructions on the proper ways of planting and caring for your date palm in Delhi so that it can thrive in your garden or surroundings.
3. Different Types of Date Palm Species: Saharanpur Nursery has a wide variety of date palms in Delhi to choose from.
4. Available in Bulk: Planning to design a large landscape? Saharanpur Nursery stocks date palms in Delhi in bulk which is ideal for larger purchases.
5. Affordable Prices: Because Saharanpur Nursery is a manufacturer of date palms, you will get date palms in Delhi inclusively without costing much from you.
6. Eco-friendly Growing Methods: Growing Policies of Saharanpur Nursery are Green and Organic while growing date palms to make sure date palms are healthy and sturdy.
7. Suitable Location: In case you are situated in Delhi or within its environs then there is more advantage in buying a date palm from Saharanpur Nursery for you will have quicker delivery and minimum transport costs.
8. Trusted Supplier: Saharanpur Nursery is a trusted name in the region, known as one of the largest and most reliable suppliers of date palms in Delhi and beyond.