What does make it Special?
- One of the rarest indoor flowering plants, which is very hard to find.
- NASA recommended an air purifier plant.
- Low maintenance plant.
- Anthurium symbolizes hospitality.
- Once planted can leave more than 5 yrs.
Anthurium is Botanically known as Anthurium andreanum from the Araceae family. Common names are Anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower, laceleaf, etc. It is an evergreen perennial indoor flowering plant that blooms year-round. Anthurium is a popular low-maintenance house plant & appreciated for its colorful flowers and also for heart shape shining leaves. They can be grown for many years in a pot.
These plants are mini versions of the regular Anthurium, they have been bred for growing and flowering in pots for primary use as indoor plants. Plants have large erect leaves. They are leathery and heart-shaped 20 to 25 cm long. Plants are epiphytic in nature. They like a very open and well-drained medium. Plants flower once they reach maturity. Each mature leaf has a flower in its axil. Flowers are a large spathe like those of a spathiphyllum(Peace lily). The actual flowers are minute and are arranged on a stalk-like inflorescence.
MAXIMUM HEIGHT - It generally reaches less than 1-meter height, but it also depends on the maturity & its location.
BLOOMING YEAR - Bloom Almost Year-round, if found Good Amount of Bright light.
- Plants can be grown in small pots also, a minimum pot size of around 15 cms will be okay.
- The plants prefer a warm (but not hot) and moist environment. The best temperature range to grow them in is 18 to 20 degrees night and 26 to 28 degrees day.
- The compost should be very porous and should contain fibrous matter like coconut husk chips, peat chunks, sand, chopped moss, charcoal etc.
- Plants like to grow in bright light but not direct sunlight.
- Overwater will kill your Anthurium plant, so the watering schedule is most important.
1. | Anthurium Baby Pink Plant | 0.5-1 Feet Height |
2. | Growing Pot (Black color) | 4 Inch |
*above specifications are for indicative purposes only, actual dimensions may slightly vary.
LIGHT CONDITION - These plants require a minimum of 4 hours of indirect bright light for proper development and flowering.
WATERING SCHEDULE - Overwater can kill your Anthurium plant. Water when the topsoil(2-3 inches) feels dry to touch.
SOIL TYPE - The compost should be very porous and should contain fibrous matter like coconut husk chips, peat chunks, sand, chopped moss, charcoal, etc.
TEMPERATURE - The average temperature should be 18-25 Degree Celsius.
FERTILIZER APPLICATION - Established Anthurium does not need much care. In fact, many people never fertilize their anthurium and they grow great. These plants require special care, especially when they are not in the flowering period. So add Phosphorus reach fertilizer 2-3 times in a year.
PLANT PROTECTION - Remove dead, infected, damaged plant parts and discard them away from the plants. Generally, it is not affected by any pest or disease, in case of any infections, you can use Neem oil spray for primary treatment.
- Remove the Packaging Materials carefully.
- Press the soil in the pot & add additional soil(garden mix) if necessary.
- Maintain moisture in the pot, Do not overwater it may kill your plant, so make sure that the soil should be dry between watering.
- Make sure that plants get enough morning direct bright light(2-3hrs) for 10-15 days & do not go for immediate transplanting (minimum 1 month)
- You can remain the plant in the same pot for 6-7 months, later you can transplant it.
- Just prune if any branch of the plant is get damaged in transits. New leaves will come definitely.